Friday, September 30, 2011

Make your own beef broth

Why pay the  steep price of organic beef broth when you can just make it yourself.

2 soup bones from an organic cow (mine were small, if you have a big one, just use one)
1 organic onion, pealed and sliced in half
1 organic carrot coarsely chopped
2 ts sea salt
1 ts organic ground pepper, or whole peppercorns

Roast your bones in the oven for an hour. Put all ingredients in a large stock pot and fill with water to the top. Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer. Cook anywhere from a few hours to all day.

You want your broth a good medium brown. Remove bones and vegetables. Strain through a fine strainer. 
Place in the refrigerator. Once cooled the fat will harden at the top.

Remove fat and discard. Place broth in freezable containers. I do 2 cups per container because that works for me.

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